Academic Librarians and Book Reviewing

Melinda F. Matthews


This article illustrates academic librarians and book reviewing.  Key features covered are library periodicals with book review columns, book review requirements, suggestions for book reviewers, types of books to review, taking notes, criteria to include, start and finish, submission of a completed book review, sending a thank you, and book reviewing profits. The author reveals techniques used by book reviewers on reviewing a book from start to finish.  Readers discover several library periodicals the readers can serve as book reviewers for.  Book reviews are so essential to numerous stakeholders. Reviewing books may be an important career strategy to advance in the academic librarian profession because book reviewing can be added to vitas, annual evaluations and dossiers creating a promotion, an increase in pay, or a new job.  Additionally, book reviews are an important contribution to scholarly communication since book reviews increase a librarian’s knowledge that is shared with patrons and fellow librarians.  The role of book reviews in serving the academic librarian community is to assist book buyers and acquisitions librarians in the decision to purchase books. Reviews are so invaluable to authors and publishers for the promotion of the sale of their books.


book reviewing; publishing; academic librarians, academic librarianship

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